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On an international level, The Danish Chemical Society has the following key activities:

  • The Danish Chemical Society Has a long-standing, strong collaboration with its sister societies in the Nordic countries Finland, Norway, and Sweden.

  • Through Förlagsföreningen Acta Chemica Scandinavica this collaboration includes shared economic interests in the Royal Society of Chemistry journals Dalton Transactions, Perkin Transactions 1 and Perkin Transactions 2

  • Together with 12 other European chemical societies, Danish Chemical Society is a co-owner of the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP)

  • Represents Denmark in European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuChemS)

  • Influences the future strategies of the European Commission, other European groupings and national bodies though the involvement of EuChemS in the Alliance for Chemical Sciences and Technologies in Europe (AllChemE)

  • Appoints members to The Danish National Committee for Chemistry, which represents Denmark in IUPAC - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. lectures, discussion meetings and courses for its members. See frontpage for the latest news.

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