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The Danish Chemical Society has interests in a number of chemistry related periodicals, reference books, and monographs.

Dansk Kemi

Dansk Kemi

Members of the Danish Chemical Society receive as part of their membership benefits a monthly copy of the Danish language magazine Dansk Kemi.

Contributions to the magazine from the Danish chemical community are welcomed. Please enquire details with the responsible editor.

Dansk Kemi is published and owned by TechMedia. The Danish Chemical Society has together with Kemiingeniørgruppen strong interests in the magazine and appoints members to the "Fagredaktion" and the Editorial Board.

Scientific Journals

Scientific Journals

From January 2000, the journal of the Nordic Chemical Societies, Acta Chemica Scandinavica (Acta Chem. Scand.), merged with the RSC's organic and inorganic journals J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Transactions 1 and 2 (both organic) and J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Transactions (inorganic).
From 2003 the two organic journals Perkin Transactions 1 and 2 merged into the new journal Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RCS) both own and publish the journals, but according to the agreement made between RCS and the Nordic Chemical Societies, a certain part of the profit will on the journals will be transferred to each of the Nordic societies. This sum is related to the number of articles published with corresponding authors from the particular Nordic country.

From January 2000, the Nordic Chemical Societies also became associated with the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP). PCCP has a broad subject base, publishing new, original research in the areas of physical chemistry, chemical physics and biophysical chemistry. PCCP is published by RSC but run by an Ownership Board, on which all the member societies from different European countries have equal representation. At the moment, there are thirteen participating societies, although more are expected to join the venture soon.

The Danish Chemical Society encourages its members to publish original scientific work in the above mentioned journals as the economic profit from the journals in this way is kept inside the Chemical Community. Profits allocated to the Danish Chemical Society is used for grants through "Kemisk Forenings Rejsefond".

Sven E. Harnung has written a detailed account about the journals and their commercial organisation in Dansk Kemi 2001, 82, nr. 1, 44-46.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica

Acta Chemica Scandinavica

Electronic (open) access to the Acta Chemica Scandinavica archive, digitalized and made searchable by The Danish Chemical Society, can be found here.

Kemisk Ordbog

Kemisk Ordbog

Første udgave af ordbogen blev udarbejdet over en årrække af Kemisk Forenings Nomenklaturudvalg og i 1996 udgivet af Teknisk Forlag. Tilblivelsen blev støttet af Thomas B. Thriges Fond, Lundbeckfonden, Tuborgfondet og Otto Mønsteds Fond. Den 500 sider store bog indeholdt den af Kemisk Forening definerede danske kemiske nomenklatur, en tilpasning af den internationale (dvs. engelsksprogede IUPAC-nomenklatur). Førsteudgaven blev udsolgt fra forlaget i 2003.

Anden udgave af Kemisk Ordbog blev præsenteret ved Kemisk Forenings 125-års jubilæum den 22. november 2004. Den var en kritisk revidering af førsteudgaven. Andenudgaven og siden tredjeudgaven, som blev udgivet af Nyt Teknisk Forlag, omfattede dels en trykt opslagsbog, dels internetadgang til søgning i databasen. Internetdelen af Kemisk Ordbog blev i begyndelsen af 2011 flyttet til

Databasen, som ligger til grund for såvel den trykte bog som internetdelen, bliver opdateret med mellemrum af Kemisk Forenings Nomenklaturudvalg. Databasen blev til med støtte fra Carlsbergs Mindelegat for Brygger J.C. Jacobsen.

En søgbar version af af databasen er tilgængelig på websiden Dansk Kemisk Nomenklatur.

Historical publications

Historical publications

The Danish Society of the History of Chemistry has over the years published a number of paperback monographs dealing with historical issues. A complete list with ordering information can by found on the homepage of The Danish Society of the History of Chemistry

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