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About Us 

Since 1897

The Danish Chemical Society, whose history dates back to 1879, is a non-profit-making organisation, which has as its purpose to promote the advancement of chemistry in Denmark. Anyone with an interest in chemistry can apply for membership.  The activities of the society are primarily based on income in the form of membership fees.


The constitution defines the basis for the activities of the Society. Its Executive Committee (“Repræsentantskabet”), consists of the president, general members(“Bestyrelsen”) and representative for each of the seven divisions. Appointed or elected individuals carry out specific supporting tasks.

Many of the activities of the Society take place in the framework of the divisions.


The Danish Chemical Society is engaged in both national and international activities. For some of these the Society collaborates with “Kemiingeniørgruppen”, the professional organisation for chemical engineers in Denmark.


Kemisk Forenings Rejsefond
The Travel Foundation supports travels for the annual summer meeting and the winter meeting in Aarhus.

It awards members of the society travel grants according to conditions found here.

The society consists of



Molecular Spectroscopy


Chemistry of


Analytical Chemistry


History of Chemistry




Inorganic Chemistry


Theoretical Chemistry

The society providing a space for collaboration and learning. Choose your division and connect with others.



Denisk Kemi









01. Dansk Kemi

Members of the Danish Chemical Society receive as part of their membership benefits a copy of the Danish language magazine Dansk Kemi.

Contributions to the magazine from the Danish chemical community are welcomed. Please enquire details with the responsible editor.

Dansk Kemi is published and owned by TechMedia. The Danish Chemical Society has together with Kemiingeniørgruppen strong interests in the magazine and appoints members to the "Fagredaktion" and the Editorial Board.

02. Collaboration

The Danish Chemical Society has a history of partnerships with chemical societies from other Nordic countries. It co-published the journal Acta Chemica Scandinavica from 1947 to 1999, in collaboration with chemical societies from Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The society also engages with the global chemical community by participating in international conferences and fostering collaborations that enhance Denmark's leadership in chemical sciences. 


Kemisk Forenings Rejsefond

Previously known as "Acta Chemica Scandinavicas rejsefond". Travel grants are awarded according to the rules attached as a separate document. Applications are being evaluated by a two-man committee comprising the president of The Danish Chemical Society and the Danish representative on the board of Acta Chemica Scandinavica. The is no submission deadline. Applications are to be sent to:


Sven E. Harnung
Associate Professor 
Department of Chemisrty

H.C. Ørsted Institute
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 5
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø.
Phone (direct): (+45) 3532 0105. 

The FECS foundation

The organisation of the 6th FECS conference in Copenhagen on 26-28 August 1998 resulted in a small surplus of economic funds. The Danish Chemical Society distributes these funds as grants in order to support and FECS-related activities involving its members or Denmark. Support for travel expenses for the participation in FECS meetings, future FECS meetings and conferences held and organised in Denmark.

Applications are being evaluate by a three-man committee comprising the president of The Danish Chemical Society, the chairman of The Danish Society of Environmental Chemistry, and the Danish representative in FECS Division on Chemistry and the Environment. Applications are sent to The Danish Chemical Society.

05. Award

Ellen og Niels Bjerrums Kemikerpris

This award has been instituted by relatives to Ellen and Niels Bjerrum in memory of the Danish chemist Niels Bjerrum (1879-1958). The prize, which consists of a solid gold medal, has been awarded since 1959 to Danish chemists or to chemists with connections to Danish chemistry. The prize is awarded in recognition of scientific achievements.
According to an agreement made in 2004 the president of the Danish Chemical Society is automatically a member of the three-member prize committee and the award is a part of the society’s activities. The presentation of the prizewinners should take place every second year at the annual meeting of the society.

List of recipients of Ellen og Niels Bjerrums Kemikerpris

our member

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